elfelejtett jelszó - regisztráció

Alkotó: BloodVomitor
Alkotások száma: 19
Regisztrált: 2008-02-11
Belépett: 2011-05-31
Publikált rovatok
Film / Zene
-Zenekritikák - Underground (Metal) (15)
Feltöltve: 2008-02-12 22:35:11
Megtekintve: 4189
RIMFROST - A Frozen World Unknown CD 2006 (NO COLOURS Recs.)
„A Frozen Wolrd Unknown” CD 2006
This CD hides the first album of Swedish RIMFROST, and If You have read my first issue, than You probably remember that I reviewed the hordes previous MCD. If I recall that review in me, I can remember that I wrote quite positive things about mentioned release which had its mistakes, but this time, I can’t complain against anything! RIMFROST brought together a perfect album, although I wouldn’t call the music only Black Metal, here we will find many other styles and perhaps this was the feature that catched my attention. The members combine the Scandinavian Black Metal with Death Metal, and even with some Pagan Metal elements! The strong IMMORTAL influence remained, but now I fell also some similarities with old DISSECTION. But now letsg get to the album itself. It has a perfect starting, the best song of the album called „Freezing Inferno”, with its great slow passages will lead the listener to a Frozen World, that is unknown for us, but not for the members of RIMFROST. The two best songs from the MCD were also re-recorded for this stuff, with some little changes, but to tell You the truth, I liked them in their earlier versions better. The third attack is a pure Swedish Death Metal massacre, „Ride The Storm”, a very intense track I must say, probably this is the most offensive track of the album! I would like to mention also the last track, which shows all the faces of the horde, and just as the beggining of the album, the endig song was also choosen in a great way! Mostly int he newer songs we will notice that RIMFROST has got also strong Pagan Metal influences, mostly IUVENES and the more aggressive hordes play this way in my opinion. As far as I have noticed, RIMFROST gets its power from the winter… but not in a depressive way, hell no! RIMFROST represents the the real grimness and sthrength of the coldest snow-storms!!! I think those who are still able to listen to some nordic hordes should try to get this gem, but also Death Metal and Pagan Metal fans (are there such???) should make a try with RIMFROST!
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