elfelejtett jelszó - regisztráció

Alkotó: BloodVomitor
Alkotások száma: 19
Regisztrált: 2008-02-11
Belépett: 2011-05-31
Publikált rovatok
Film / Zene
-Zenekritikák - Underground (Metal) (15)
Feltöltve: 2008-02-12 22:20:53
Megtekintve: 4873
KRIEG - Blue Miasma CD 2006 (NO COLOURS Recs.)
„Blue Miasma” CD 2006
It was supposed that after Imperial would stop KRIEG and start a new band namely NIL. This happened actually, but what is strange that recently I heared that KRIEG is active and lives again. Strange a bit to tell the truth, but at least we will be able to still listen to new materials of this great horde from time to time. I guess I don’t have to introduce KRIEG, lately it has spread its name like a plague. What Imperial offers us here is a much more melodic album than the previous ones, but don’t think that this way KRIEG got “softer”. When the music is melodic, it doesn’t always mean light music, believe This album summons such a deep melancholy that it it can be rarely experienced lately, almost close to the feeling of death-wish. The album is quite varied, as there are many strange solutions on it, tempos between slow, mid and fast, and even guest vocalist from NACHTMISTYUM, NYKTALIGA and SATANIC WARMASTER. So excpect a more experimental album of KRIEG here, though I think it would have been better to keep everything on the way like it was on “The Black House”, and release this one for example under some other name. Though there are still some slight parts that remind on the earlier era of KRIEG, but the number of these is evanescent. However, I am awating the new materil of KRIEG, I am curious how it will sound.
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