Feltöltve: 2008-02-12 22:16:06
Megtekintve: 20292
Have A Brutal Night! Compilation CD-R (NEVERHEARED Distro/CORPSEFIRE Distro)
HAVE A BRUTAL NIGHT! Compilation CD 2006
Now this is how a real compilations must be put together. Bands from different styles, the listener will surely find something for him-or herself thats for sure, but its true that they surely must be into the extreme side of Metal if they want to fully enjoy this professionally put together CD-R. The genres are Black Metal, Death Metal and Grindcore, or the mixed version of these. The songs were already featurd on some other releases, but there are also unreleased ones (MYSTIFIER), or mixed versions (VORKUTA). So lets begin: the first participant is SHAARIMOTH from Norway and plays great technical Death Metal in the veins of NILE and MORBID ANGEL and the likes like these. They deal with Sumerian mythology in their lyrics (If I know it well), so the comparison with NILE was obvious I think, although they dont play that fast music, the more mid-peaced tempos are the caractheristics of SHAARIMOTH. Next up is Hungarian VORKUTA with a Raw Mixed version of the song Journey In The Night. Well, I think the title Running In The Night would be better, as the song has a really fast starting, hehe. But of course the mood of the night is there, especially when the more doomy parts come in and real dark emotions will fill the air. They dont show anything new inside the boundaries of Black Metal, still their original atmopshere and songstructures makes VORKUTAs music unique in my opinion! The third song is a live-version of cult MYSTIFIERs Beelzebub. These three demons are playing trully unholy Blackened Metal Of Death which I could compare to hordes like SARCOFAGO, BEHERIT or BLASPHEMY. The traditional metal instruments are supported with some snyth passages too, but don not think that this makes the musick softer, it rather gives a more evil aura to this great song! If I didnt hear the audience at the start of the song, I would have surely thought that this is a studio recording, it sounds damn good for a live-recording. The next candidate is AMON DIN from Serbia Montenegro. What You will get to hear is melodic, but a t the same time brutal Death Metal in a quite unique approach. The song Umbra will show all the faces of AMON DIN, we can hear great crushing parts, as well as more atmopsheric solutions. And we can even hear a fine synth protrusion! AMON DIN is followed by US based AMPÜTATOR with the blasphemy called Nuclear Fucking Deathcult. Well, what AMPÜTATOR performs is dirty, rocking Black/Death Metal! No unnecessery finery, or shits like that, just raw Satanic Nuclear aggression as it has to be! I think that the title of the song already tells everything CADAVERIC CREMATORIUM is up next with the song Jesus Virus from their album Serial Grinder. Nothing special, technical Death Metal, but there are also moments when I feel the music is more hardcore-like. The particular thing I liked in this song is that it was coloured with some great slower tunes, which sound just great next to the more grinding riffs! I would say that CADAVERIC CREMATORIUM is Italys own MISERY INDEX. We are at the seventh track, which hides the most original horde on thos comp., and its name is EK from Mexico. The style is defined by the members as Metal Muerte, which means that the music is based on Heavy Metal, with some growls and screams (I found these ones a bit weak). The listener will experience that these musicians were able to build really great Mayan melodies into into their track, so brutality doesnt has a role here. I found it a great ide to use also their native instruments, this helps them to strenghten the atmopshere of Escorpión Armado. KRATORNAS is the next int he line from the Philippines. Totally useless music, shitty mechanic sound that wants to be some kind of Death Metal. This is weak. RABBATH AMON from Jordan is more interesting in my opinion! Highly euphonious Black Metal with lots of great solos, similar to ROTTING CHRIST I think. Though at first I thought that this is the soundtrack of a very old computergame because of the sound, I guess it was recorded with a computer, and they also use a drum-machine. Still, this became my favourite song from this stuff! Bolivian EXEKRATORIO follows, and I must say that it didnt impress me too much. Victory OF Valhalla is not a bad song, but somehow it lacks of power. The members want to play somekind of Black Metal, but I think that they are pretty far from this goal at the moment. Ok, it has an ominous mood, but something is still missing. Also I couldnt get into the vocalists think screams, its rather ridiculous. But lets move on to SILENT KINGDOM from Bosnia Herzegovina. They have the longest song here, that will help to get to know everything from SILENT KINGDOM. SILENT KINGDOM play Death Metal orianted music with many Bosnian melodies, which are created mostly by the guitars and not by the synths. I found this song a bit borring after a while, I think If they played only half of the song, it would be better! Another Mexican horde is that got the twelvth place, and this is ALFA ERIDANO AKHERNAR. Fucking great, impious Death Metal which I could describe as a mixture of KRISIUN and BEHEMOTH. Their self-description is Aztec War Metal, I have nothing to say against it, ALFA ERIDANO AKHERNAR succeded in evoking the power of the once so mighty Aztec empire! ORIFICE from Italy is the next with the song Macumba, and I only listened to it once buti t was way enough for me, even too much. It is Grind/Gore from the more nerving kind. I think that someone else should judge this song, as I would only a negative opinion about it. Another Italian horde is that comes, it is BEYOND THE RAGE. Not a bad one, its Death Metal, with an enjoyable song called Scars Inside You. The song is really catchy, it will remain in Your head after the second listening, which is a good point I think. I liked the screaming vocals the most, but also the deeper growls were ok. Polish EMPHERIS appeares with the song Flamethorns, which is a real old fashioned Thrashing Black Metal track inspiered by gods like POSSESSED, VENOM and BATHORY! CORPSEROT is from Hungary, and plays somekind oöf industrial Black Metal with drummachine. Fortunately the song (Black Winds Of Gehenna) doesnt even reach the 2 minutes in length, because more of this grindig machine would be rather awfull. AQUER from Chile and they perform Raw Death/Black Metal not int he most original way, but without any retro-shits! Bestial music for sure, that couild be compared to SARCOFAGO, MORBOSIDAD, ANAL VOMIT and the like. And last but not least is AGE OF AGONY also from Hungary. The Prime is a perfect closing for this comp., with its acoustic intro and outro it serves a great closing in my opinion. Pure Death Metal blasphemy, nothing more, nothing less! This song has a bit doomier mood and beginning than the hordes other compositions, buti t will fasten up, and it will became a great mid-tempoed hammer of Death! As I said before, this CD-R was proffesionally produced, and comes with a b/w frontcover, with every necessary info about the bands, the artwork, etc., and about the songs! I only have one advice for You as the closing of this review: LISTEN TO THIS AND HAVE A BRUTAL NIGHT!!!
Now this is how a real compilations must be put together. Bands from different styles, the listener will surely find something for him-or herself thats for sure, but its true that they surely must be into the extreme side of Metal if they want to fully enjoy this professionally put together CD-R. The genres are Black Metal, Death Metal and Grindcore, or the mixed version of these. The songs were already featurd on some other releases, but there are also unreleased ones (MYSTIFIER), or mixed versions (VORKUTA). So lets begin: the first participant is SHAARIMOTH from Norway and plays great technical Death Metal in the veins of NILE and MORBID ANGEL and the likes like these. They deal with Sumerian mythology in their lyrics (If I know it well), so the comparison with NILE was obvious I think, although they dont play that fast music, the more mid-peaced tempos are the caractheristics of SHAARIMOTH. Next up is Hungarian VORKUTA with a Raw Mixed version of the song Journey In The Night. Well, I think the title Running In The Night would be better, as the song has a really fast starting, hehe. But of course the mood of the night is there, especially when the more doomy parts come in and real dark emotions will fill the air. They dont show anything new inside the boundaries of Black Metal, still their original atmopshere and songstructures makes VORKUTAs music unique in my opinion! The third song is a live-version of cult MYSTIFIERs Beelzebub. These three demons are playing trully unholy Blackened Metal Of Death which I could compare to hordes like SARCOFAGO, BEHERIT or BLASPHEMY. The traditional metal instruments are supported with some snyth passages too, but don not think that this makes the musick softer, it rather gives a more evil aura to this great song! If I didnt hear the audience at the start of the song, I would have surely thought that this is a studio recording, it sounds damn good for a live-recording. The next candidate is AMON DIN from Serbia Montenegro. What You will get to hear is melodic, but a t the same time brutal Death Metal in a quite unique approach. The song Umbra will show all the faces of AMON DIN, we can hear great crushing parts, as well as more atmopsheric solutions. And we can even hear a fine synth protrusion! AMON DIN is followed by US based AMPÜTATOR with the blasphemy called Nuclear Fucking Deathcult. Well, what AMPÜTATOR performs is dirty, rocking Black/Death Metal! No unnecessery finery, or shits like that, just raw Satanic Nuclear aggression as it has to be! I think that the title of the song already tells everything CADAVERIC CREMATORIUM is up next with the song Jesus Virus from their album Serial Grinder. Nothing special, technical Death Metal, but there are also moments when I feel the music is more hardcore-like. The particular thing I liked in this song is that it was coloured with some great slower tunes, which sound just great next to the more grinding riffs! I would say that CADAVERIC CREMATORIUM is Italys own MISERY INDEX. We are at the seventh track, which hides the most original horde on thos comp., and its name is EK from Mexico. The style is defined by the members as Metal Muerte, which means that the music is based on Heavy Metal, with some growls and screams (I found these ones a bit weak). The listener will experience that these musicians were able to build really great Mayan melodies into into their track, so brutality doesnt has a role here. I found it a great ide to use also their native instruments, this helps them to strenghten the atmopshere of Escorpión Armado. KRATORNAS is the next int he line from the Philippines. Totally useless music, shitty mechanic sound that wants to be some kind of Death Metal. This is weak. RABBATH AMON from Jordan is more interesting in my opinion! Highly euphonious Black Metal with lots of great solos, similar to ROTTING CHRIST I think. Though at first I thought that this is the soundtrack of a very old computergame because of the sound, I guess it was recorded with a computer, and they also use a drum-machine. Still, this became my favourite song from this stuff! Bolivian EXEKRATORIO follows, and I must say that it didnt impress me too much. Victory OF Valhalla is not a bad song, but somehow it lacks of power. The members want to play somekind of Black Metal, but I think that they are pretty far from this goal at the moment. Ok, it has an ominous mood, but something is still missing. Also I couldnt get into the vocalists think screams, its rather ridiculous. But lets move on to SILENT KINGDOM from Bosnia Herzegovina. They have the longest song here, that will help to get to know everything from SILENT KINGDOM. SILENT KINGDOM play Death Metal orianted music with many Bosnian melodies, which are created mostly by the guitars and not by the synths. I found this song a bit borring after a while, I think If they played only half of the song, it would be better! Another Mexican horde is that got the twelvth place, and this is ALFA ERIDANO AKHERNAR. Fucking great, impious Death Metal which I could describe as a mixture of KRISIUN and BEHEMOTH. Their self-description is Aztec War Metal, I have nothing to say against it, ALFA ERIDANO AKHERNAR succeded in evoking the power of the once so mighty Aztec empire! ORIFICE from Italy is the next with the song Macumba, and I only listened to it once buti t was way enough for me, even too much. It is Grind/Gore from the more nerving kind. I think that someone else should judge this song, as I would only a negative opinion about it. Another Italian horde is that comes, it is BEYOND THE RAGE. Not a bad one, its Death Metal, with an enjoyable song called Scars Inside You. The song is really catchy, it will remain in Your head after the second listening, which is a good point I think. I liked the screaming vocals the most, but also the deeper growls were ok. Polish EMPHERIS appeares with the song Flamethorns, which is a real old fashioned Thrashing Black Metal track inspiered by gods like POSSESSED, VENOM and BATHORY! CORPSEROT is from Hungary, and plays somekind oöf industrial Black Metal with drummachine. Fortunately the song (Black Winds Of Gehenna) doesnt even reach the 2 minutes in length, because more of this grindig machine would be rather awfull. AQUER from Chile and they perform Raw Death/Black Metal not int he most original way, but without any retro-shits! Bestial music for sure, that couild be compared to SARCOFAGO, MORBOSIDAD, ANAL VOMIT and the like. And last but not least is AGE OF AGONY also from Hungary. The Prime is a perfect closing for this comp., with its acoustic intro and outro it serves a great closing in my opinion. Pure Death Metal blasphemy, nothing more, nothing less! This song has a bit doomier mood and beginning than the hordes other compositions, buti t will fasten up, and it will became a great mid-tempoed hammer of Death! As I said before, this CD-R was proffesionally produced, and comes with a b/w frontcover, with every necessary info about the bands, the artwork, etc., and about the songs! I only have one advice for You as the closing of this review: LISTEN TO THIS AND HAVE A BRUTAL NIGHT!!!
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