Feltöltve: 2007-05-23 13:04:17
Megtekintve: 11870
Sometimes I dream on and I lauh on how it's strong...
Then I found myself on my own, alone, with my next song.
Now, I seem cryin', nomore pain carriing on,
It was just a dream, so you're never here along.
You once had a dream, and had a very young age...
The "one I got", I wrote my heart on this page.
Try to think it over, how you can understand,
But you can't feel the same, or do what I can.
And I'm still a young girl, and try to live in my dream,
Still how so many dreams I had in my team...
And I know, I never see the time I have to do,
I always wait, but I don't know what, and nothing become true.
I'm not the best, the strongest at all,
I can give you something nice, and that's all...
I'm sorry, but there were too big things,
I'm thoughtful to see what love can bring.
And i'll never be in a quick to say what my heart shows,
I'm speaking from my heart, I'm different from you.
But still I'm givin' lovin' sometimes I can not berathe
That my music touches souls, and sometimes hearts, I can't believe.
That's all, what my heart can say,
So hold if you want, and carry on every day.
My tears makin' my "strong",
And you can feel my doubt in this song...
I just look up to the sky, it's full of stars,
And I couldn't even dry my eyes.
My tears just fallin', fallin' down my face,
Cause' "the feeling" left, that filled up the space.
I know...
Noone could block morning to get dark,
But somehow, you could set my heart.
I don't know how, but it's just came,
So... who is the one to blame?
The weather was cold, my mouth was hot,
But my senses told me to "STOP!"
Than you had to go, and I had to stay,
I know I'll see you, but what will you say?...
Then I found myself on my own, alone, with my next song.
Now, I seem cryin', nomore pain carriing on,
It was just a dream, so you're never here along.
You once had a dream, and had a very young age...
The "one I got", I wrote my heart on this page.
Try to think it over, how you can understand,
But you can't feel the same, or do what I can.
And I'm still a young girl, and try to live in my dream,
Still how so many dreams I had in my team...
And I know, I never see the time I have to do,
I always wait, but I don't know what, and nothing become true.
I'm not the best, the strongest at all,
I can give you something nice, and that's all...
I'm sorry, but there were too big things,
I'm thoughtful to see what love can bring.
And i'll never be in a quick to say what my heart shows,
I'm speaking from my heart, I'm different from you.
But still I'm givin' lovin' sometimes I can not berathe
That my music touches souls, and sometimes hearts, I can't believe.
That's all, what my heart can say,
So hold if you want, and carry on every day.
My tears makin' my "strong",
And you can feel my doubt in this song...
I just look up to the sky, it's full of stars,
And I couldn't even dry my eyes.
My tears just fallin', fallin' down my face,
Cause' "the feeling" left, that filled up the space.
I know...
Noone could block morning to get dark,
But somehow, you could set my heart.
I don't know how, but it's just came,
So... who is the one to blame?
The weather was cold, my mouth was hot,
But my senses told me to "STOP!"
Than you had to go, and I had to stay,
I know I'll see you, but what will you say?...
Hozzászóláshoz jelentkezz be vagy regisztrálj!
2007-11-04 02:05:19
Szia szupercicumicu! Roviden szolva, csak figyelj mit adsz ki a kezeid kozul, mert az tukre onmagadnak. Tovabbi sikereket. Anett
2007-07-30 04:08:49
Hm... erdekes angol tanar....
Akkor lassuk megeccer ezt a verset :) ESZREVETELEIM: 1. laug on should be LAUGH AT 2. carrii = CARRYING 3. have a very young age is awkward, it would sound better somehow like AT A VERY YOUNG AGE 4. In my team? 5. nothing BECOMES 6. Giving LOVE? nem mondunk olyat h giving loving 7. berathe = BREATHE? 8. making ME strong vagy pedig ha ugy irod h making my strong azutan valamit meg raknod kell, mondjuk egy fonevet 9. noone = NO ONE 10. SUGGESTION: block morning to get dark eleg furin hangzik ismet, bantja a fulem, szoval egy ajanlat: block the morning from getting dark 11. Than-t akkor hasznalsz amikor azt mondod pl: better than something so when you compare things, but you use then in action, which gererally and in your poem means after. azaz asszem ezt akartad mondani, ha nem akkor szolj:)
NAH ezeken akadt meg a szemem, es nem megbantani akartalak a kijavitassal. Gondoltam segitek. Ha szeretned megfogadod, ha nem akkor igy hagyod:) De nem tudom a tanarod hol hagyta a szemet amikro elolvasta, erdekes h ilyeneket nem vett eszre (en angol nyelvteruleten elek ket eve)
2007-07-29 19:59:13
Szia! Köszi a kritikát, de spec. ezt a vesret pont látta egy angoltanár; szóval sztem elég biztos, hogy nincs benne sem elírási hiba, sem then/than felcserélés. Igen, van ahol a szó végén egy "s"betűt lehagytam, hogy jobban rímeljen, de ha megfigyeled az igazi "számokban" sincs 100% nyelvtani helyesség, hogy a rím kijöjjön. De azért örülök, hogy tetszett. :)
2007-07-28 23:21:00
Eloszor is ellenorizd a helyesirast mielott feltoltesz valamit az oldalra, mert nem egy elirast/helyesirasi haibat talaltam, es igy a mu veszit az ertekebol. Olykor nehez eszrevenni a sajat hibakat, de interneten talani free spellcheck oldalakat ami hihetetlen egyszeruve teszi a dolgot. Figyelj arra is h egy betu elirasaval mas szot kaphatsz pl then es than, ami teljesen felborithatja a vers ertelmet. Van par structure hiba, es helyek ahol nem a megfelelo szavakat hasznaltad, vagy pedig a mondatszerkezet nem stimmel.Gyakorlat teszi a mestert! Csak igy tovabb! Grat!