elfelejtett jelszó - regisztráció

Alkotó: Szupercicumicu
Alkotások száma: 50
Regisztrált: 2007-05-01
Belépett: 2008-02-22
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Feltöltve: 2007-05-23 13:01:24
Megtekintve: 7424
Open me a different view,
Show me the Real Truth.
So close to you makes me alive,
Forever trust in who you are.

All these words aren't say
The whole things I felt in my way...
Every day holds something new,
So be with me, and let it be true.

But there's sg., sg. new,
What you did? I don't know...
I would choose the bells, the ring,
But I'm just a girl, why are you wondering?

I'll never forget what you lied,
Now my heart could be apart.
All these words aren't just said,
May I trust in you? Oh... I'll go mad...

I need my damp things,
My honour, and my broken wings.
I like flying in the dark blue sky,
Where it doesn't matter who you are...

I'm just alone with my thought,
I could be careless, like could be a moth.
I need your care, but every day
We are living in our way.
Hozzászóláshoz jelentkezz be vagy regisztrálj!